Transcendental Meditation Centre London, UK

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Learn Transcendental Meditation on the web

If only you could learn Transcendental Meditation (TM) from a web page! It would make life very simple. But for the scientifically proven benefits of Transcendental Meditation to work, the technique needs to be imparted by a trained vedic teacher, someone who has formally studied and practiced over a period of years with the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded TM, or his spiritual disciple, Maharaj Nader Ram.

It’s very simple and easy to learn TM, but, just like dreaming, if you had never had a dream, it would be a delicate process to show you how to do it. So with the effortless Transcendental Meditation technique, a qualified TM teacher is necessary to lead you through the steps.

There are many well-researched studies showing the effectiveness of TM, including:

  • Restful deep relaxation
  • Peaceful feelings
  • Faster recovery from stress and anxiety
  • Improved blood pressure
  • Reduced insomnia
  • Clearer thinking
  • Increased creativity
  • Better relationships

Significantly, everyone who learns TM enjoys these improvements to some extent and most to a greater extent.

You can learn more about the scientific research behind Transcendental Meditation on the web here at

The claims of the scientific research behind TM are well supported by many personal testimonials, press articles and reports, universities, reputable published science journals and information sites, ranging from VIPs and celebrities like David Lynch to ordinary people. You can read these online at:

What you’ll discover is these different individuals all have different experiences. One found their mind became clearer, while another discovered more confidence, while another (a doctor) was able to better release stress and tension, and yet another person simply enjoyed the experience of greater happiness. Happiness became normal for him, instead of the exception. Yet another (a student) reported brain development and better focus.

Transcendental Meditation has a way of giving the individual what they most need, and it does it in the most effortless and enjoyable way, regardless of your education, intelligence, background or consciousness state. Even better, Transcendental Meditation keeps on delivering benefits right through your life; by dissolving long-held tensions and stress, it puts you in touch with your inner wisdom, providing what you need, when you most need it.

For some, the results are almost miraculous, as if something they’d felt was missing all their lives now started to appear naturally and automatically, everyday. It’s not uncommon for people who practice TM to report that “the results are wonderful”.

It’s because of results like these that in 2009 over 5,000,000 people in the world have already learned the TM technique. When Maharishi was alive it used to be word of mouth, news or publicity, but now, since the internet, people can find about Transcendental Meditation by reading on the web, rather than a book.

May we also add that TM teaching is not a religion or cult, or affects any existing personal religious practice. It takes 20 minutes twice daily. If you’re interested in learning TM and bringing more happiness into your life while you accomplish more, then you’re invited to a free no-obligation introductory talk in Central London. You’ll have ample opportunity to put your toughest and most demanding questions to an experienced, approved Transcendental Meditation teacher, who will be glad to help.

If it was possible to learn Transcendental Meditation on the web, we’d show you. A free introductory talk is the next best thing. Call 07960 683160 for details or email

Transcendental Meditation Centre London, UK

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