Your personal information
The information you provide Maharishi Foundation® through its authorised representatives is used only to inform you about Transcendental Meditation® (TM) and services directly relating to it.
In case you were to apply for a TM course abroad, only details of when you learned TM, where and with which teacher, would be shared with our International Course Office based in The Netherlands for verification purposes.
You may receive mailings, according to your stated preferences and interests, from Mill Hill TM Centre. You may also receive mailings, according to your stated preferences, from two retreat facilities about TM-related courses, and from our national office about other events relating to TM and its advanced programmes.
You may unsubscribe from any electronic mailing by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of that mailing. You will be presented with various subscription options. You may opt to receive communications, e.g. only from Mill Hill TM centre or from your closest retreat venue. Contact michael.pierce@tm.org regarding Mill Hill TM Centre communications or info@maharishifoundation.org.uk for a link to their communications opt-in page – or explicitly to request mailings about other programmes from the same origins as TM, such as Ayurvedic healthcare or Vedic architecture, or to be provided with a copy of your data that we hold and of your consent, or to withdraw your consent at any time.
You may unsubscribe from any postal mailing by writing to Maharishi Foundation at the address below.
Communications are not sent to individuals under 18 years of age.
While we endeavour to effect changes immediately, there can sometimes be a delay of a few days for all mailing lists to be updated.
Any complaints or requests for removal or disclosure of your data from our records should also be addressed to Maharishi Foundation at the address below. Or, if they relate to Mill Hill TM Centre, to Mill Hill TM Centre, 14 Hillside Grove, London NW7 2LR. Unsubscribing alone will leave your course attendance details on file as a permanent record of your TM credentials. These would be deleted only upon your explicit request, after which we cannot be held responsible for verifying your TM training in the event you ever wanted to take further courses in the UK or elsewhere. In the event of requests not being met satisfactorily, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office: ico.org.uk.
Data Security
We take all reasonable steps to maintain the security and integrity of your personal information and to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. In the event that tracking codes or cookies are used, these will be fully explained on the relevant websites. In the unlikely event of a breach in data security coming to our attention that may compromise rights and freedoms of individuals, the Information Commissioner’s Office will be notified.
© Maharishi Foundation® 31/3/2018
Maharishi Foundation, 6 Gardenia Square, Rendlesham, Suffolk IP12 2GX
Data Protection Manager: info@maharishifoundation.org.uk
Entire contents copyright 2018 Maharishi Foundation® UK. Transcendental Meditation®, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi® is available in the UK only from Maharishi Foundation®, registered educational charity, number: 270157 (England & Wales), XR20456 (Northern Ireland), and SC041919 (Scotland).
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